Hockey Analytics

Hockey Analytics

Analytic evaluation is a field of study that is grown substantially over the last 5 years and is expected to improve even more. The growth and use of new technology provide new methods for data collection and analysis, which results in more in-depth and efficient evaluations. Most recently the movie “Moneyball” has highlighted its use in Baseball and projected the concepts to the mainstream public. The use of Analytics has just begun to be used in professional hockey programs as a method to evaluate current and future players. Previously, the strategies of evaluation were completed with only a paper and a pen, now, with the use of technology and innovative software, Analytics tracking and integration has become much more efficient.

At CKM, we feel Hockey Analytics is one of the true keys to accelerated development. With the knowledge of the following components of a player’s game, we as a development company are able to specifically determine what works, what doesn’t, and what a player’s strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies are. The information we obtain allows us to move forward in the most efficient and productive way. The Analytics obtained are also of high value to coaches, scouts, and professional hockey programs to learn about potential player’s tendencies.



After concluding his career as a touring musician, Garret Hohl was reinvigorated by the return of his hometown Winnipeg Jets and immersed himself into the hockey blogosphere. Garret was introduced to advanced statistics through the writings of Gabriel Desjardins on the now defunct blog Behind the Net. While studying Combined Honours in Biology and Chemistry as a student at the University of British Columbia, the analytical approach to viewing hockey statistically evoked extreme interest. Garret has started HockeyData, which offers detailed analysis and insights into the play of both individual players and teams. The team at HockeyData offer unparalleled insight into the world of hockey analytics, and currently work with both professional and amateur hockey athletes and teams across North America. CKM Sports work closely with HockeyData, and are proud to offer their services to our clients.


While analytics initially evolved from a management perspective in trying to best evaluate player performance, there are many practical applications that can be exploited by individuals for both development and negotiation utilization.


Player analytic performance reports can be a key component to accelerated development. Individual statistical tendencies can then be shared with their coaching staff to allow for better integration within team coaching strategy. As an amateur athlete you review of analytics can help increase your on-ice production, and get you to think about the game at a higher level. This new information will help you grow as a player and as a better contributor to your team.


The information obtained is also highly valuable to agents, scouts, and professional hockey programs, as it provides a depth of information that is rarely available to them. Tracked data can be used as a negotiating tool by comparing their client’s inputs and outputs players with statistical cohorts. Data also creates context to a player in how they may fill a need or put a scale to their accomplishments relative to other players at the same level.


Hockey Analytics Tracked

  • 1Average shifts per period
  • 2Average seconds per shift
  • 1Average shots per period
  • 2Average locations of a shot on net
  • 1Average locations on the ice per shot
  • 2Average shot per shift
  • 1Average scoring chance per Shot
  • 2Average scoring chance per Shift
  • 1Average scoring chance per period
  • 2Average location on the ice per scoring chance
  • 2Percentage of style (wrist, snap, slap, back) shot per shots taken
  • 1Average Goal per shift/shot/period/style of shot/location
  • 2Average number of faceoffs taken
  • 1Average number of faceoffs won and lost
  • 2Average hand a faceoff is won on
  • 1Average number of passes (touches)
  • 2Average hits per period/Game
  • 1Average dumps period/Game

Client Testimonial

“The analytics package that CKM can provide is second to none. They watch every shift of around five or six games and take stats of everything from shifts and shift length to passes, pass attempts, shots and shot attempts as well as many others. Video from games in which success was had are not the only games they evaluate; they also evaluate games that might not have been the best. This enables you to see what your son did and/or did not do when they had success as well as when they didn’t. We had an analytics package done and our son really benefited from it. He was able to focus on what gave him success and what didn’t.”

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