BC Hockey FAQ

What will Playing Hockey do for my son or daughter? 

The development process of Hockey provides a number of life skills and ultimately can lead to the assistance in attaining a University education and/or the opportunity to earning a living as a professional.

What are the possible opportunities to play hockey in BC?

British Columbia is one the opportunistic and competitive regions in the world for hockey and hockey development. Below is a list of leagues and divisions available in British Columbia.
a)      Local Minor Hockey Program
  •  Initiation – 5 & 6
  •  Novice – 7 & 8
  • Atom – 9 & 10
  • PeeWee – 11 & 12
  • Bantam – 13 & 14
b) BC Major Midget League (BCMML)
c) Major Junior Program – Western Hockey League
d) Junior A Program- British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL)
e) Junior B Programs: Kootenay International Junior Hockey League (KIJHL), Pacific International Junior Hockey League (PIJHL), Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League (VIJHL)
Here’s a helpful infographic for BC Junior Hockey as well. 

What are the Competitive Teams that my Son can Compete for while in Minor Hockey?

a) BC Hockey Under 16 Program
b) BC Hockey Under 17 Program


What are the Competitive Teams that my Daughter can compete for while in Minor Hockey?

a) BC Hockey Under 14 Program
b) BC Hockey Under 16 Program
c) BC Hockey Under 18 Program


Should my son play in the Western Hockey League (WHL)?

The WHL is the quickest route to playing professional hockey. That being said, playing in the league causes a player to lose his amateur status and eligibility to play in the NCAA. In recent years the league has made efforts to counter this loss of educational opportunity by offering one full year of tuition, textbooks and compulsory fees for each season they play in the WHL. In addition, a player still maintains his eligibility to play in a Canadian University Hockey Program. This decision is player specific and should be evaluated on a risk vs reward strategy, influenced by factors such as the player’s skill level, opportunity, age, life goals, and personal characteristics.

Should my son play in the British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL)?

The BCHL provides an excellent opportunity for those players looking to move on to the college level and pursue an education, while continuing to develop their skills as elite hockey players. Over 100 players from the 09’-10’ season moved on to university level hockey programs- that’s almost 1/3 of the total number of players. The BCHL also provides a legitimate route to the professional ranks. However, this decision is also player specific and should be evaluated on a risk vs reward strategy, influenced by factors such as the player’s skill level, opportunity, age, life goals, and personal characteristics.

Should my son play in the British Columbia Major Midget League (BCMML)?

The BCMML is great opportunity for elite level 15, 16 and 17 year olds to play within their own age group at a high level and be developed for the next level of hockey.

First of all. Also. Another. Furthermore. Finally. Because. So. Due to. For the reason that. Similarly. Likewise. Rather. While. In contrast. As a result. Hence. Consequently. Therefore. Seems like. Maybe. Probably. Almost. Above all. Most noteworthy. Certainly. Even more. First of all. Also. Another. Furthermore. Finally. Because. So. Due to. For the reason that. Similarly. Likewise. Rather. While. In contrast. As a result. Hence. Consequently. Therefore. Seems like. Maybe. Probably. Almost. Above all. Most noteworthy. Certainly. Even more.